Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.

About us
ebl redsky

"ebl redsky" is definitively not a business law firm like any other. We are a next generation business law firm, designed to better serve our clients’ needs. By leveraging our expertise, taking a "customers" oriented strategic approach and providing, via new technologies, tailor-made services, “ebl redsky” - the Belgian member of the “ebl” law firm (European Business Lawyers) - advises its clients and vigorously defend their interests in all business matters.
As the legal partner to our clients we offer clear and practical answers, without excessive formalism and within the time allowed.
“ebl Redsky” deals focus on Belgian and international business law matters and handles assignments notably in corporate, M&A, commercial, dispute resolution, real estate, banking and finance, employment, restructuring and tax law. Member of international networks, our lightweight and professional structure guarantees a personalized and result-oriented approach.

Latest news

ebl redsky appoints Thomas Sion as Counsel

ebl redsky is pleased to announce that Thomas Sion, has been appointed as Counsel. ... [Read more...]
Publish by Guy Rulkin, le 22 May 2024

Transposition belge de la Directive 2022 2523 visant à instaurer un taux effectif d’imposition de minimum 15%

Le Conseil des ministres a approuvé en première lecture, fin juin 2023, l’avant-projet de loi ... ... [Read more...]
Publish by S. Wielemans & C. Tilleux, le 28 July 2023

Some references

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